Question 1: Do you think the weight loss pills can help you to lose weight?
A: I think so, weight loss can help you the pills, but only some, who clinically proven. But you should know that only consume weight loss pills can not help you lose weight over several days, but in general, can help. Like when you take exercise, do you believe that you will lose weight over several days? No. But in the long term, yes. pills for weight loss can also help you in the long term, but not in several days.
A: No. Many of the fat-free desserts contain high calories. Therefore, low-fat does not always mean low calorie. You must also be careful with foods that contain high carbohydrate (rice, pasta, etc) because this type of eating too much food means too much energy in your body. The excess energy is stored as fat.
Question 3: Do I have to eat many foods high in protein to build my muscle growth.
A: I do not think so. Proteins are always important for muscles, but if you eat too much, the excess protein is stored as fat in your body, like I mentioned earlier about carbohydrates, so basically you need lots of protein, because it is always good for health, but never eat too much. If you want big muscles, and then start their own weight exercises. You always need high protein foods, but again, do not eat too much of them.
Question 4: Do you think I walk?.
A: I agree with this dietary advice. Like running or jogging, walking burns calories and can help weight loss. The longer you walk each day, more calories to lose. Every mile of walking burns about 100 calories. If you walk about 5 miles on foot every day, then you will lose a pound a week.
Question 5: weight loss pills approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are all effective.
A: No. You should research more before you consume any weight loss pills. Sometimes side effects are too dangerous for that, although approved by the Food and Drug Administration. You should use weight loss pills only if you have the commitment to change their behaviors and life if you have commitment to control yourself when you're eating.
Question 6: You will not get fat if you eat eggs, do you agree?
A: Research shows that the biggest culprit is diet high in saturated fat intake. Since eggs are low in saturated fat and calories (about 75 calories if hard) are not as unhealthy as some may think.
You need a healthy lifestyle, because it is an important first step in the diet. Start with getting rid of all junk food in place, and replacing them with nutritious snacks such as fruits, vegetables and nuts. Quitting smoking, gambling, drunkenness, and any other addictive behavior and stupid. Then, after starting a meal plan for the whole week and stick to it.
Do not forget, you should never take diet pills if you do not change their lifestyle behavior, it is sometimes dangerous.
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