1. Believe you can succeed. The first key to success believes you can succeed - the acceptance that it may be thinner. Write down why you want to be thinner, for example, I have the energy to continue with my four years of age. Take time to visualize how it will be when you reach your goal of weight loss. Put a copy of its reason for being thin can be used to remind you of why we are doing this.
2. Set your goal. Your weight loss goal must be specific, for example - you lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks. Write down your goal and keep it with your reason for losing weight. I would suggest that this objective review, and progress toward it, at least weekly.
3. Regular exercise program. I think any weight-loss program is incomplete without a good exercise program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance training. There are articles on this website to help you start and maintain your exercise program interesting. My greatest successes have come when they have a combined resistance training with a cardiovascular program.
4. Make good nutrition as part of his life. A measure that increases the level of activity, then you should start taking a multivitamin especially good that it has antioxidants. Articles that describe the nutrition component can be found on this website.
5. Measure their progress on a regular basis. I suggest weekly weigh-ins and measurement sessions. It is important to monitor your progress toward your goal. This lets you know if your exercise and nutrition program is working or if you need to modify the strategy being followed.
6. Make the necessary changes. If you find that you have beaten a plateau in weight loss, then it's time to make some changes. Things to try to change their program of cardio, if you have been using the exercise bike, try running or rowing. Change your program of resistance. Your body adapts to the exercises you are doing what is good to change every four weeks. Take a long look at your nutrition program. Are you cheating? The only person you are fooling yourself. It seems to me to lose weight by restricting the amount of pasta that I eat. Generally replace the pasta with more protein and fibrous carbohydrates.
7. Perhaps still the most difficult part of any program is to maintain it. Hopefully the diet and nutrition programs become an integral part of their lifestyle and not something that needs to be maintained. Review your goal and your reason for wanting to lose weight regularly.
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