You know that is much more difficult to lose weight if they 30 are, when du 20 bist. And if you have more than 40 years, is even more difficult. Each year, your metabolism slows. Therefore, it is older, the more focus on a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
What are 20-30 years.
It is unusual that a major problem for the weights in this age group. You can lose 3-5 pounds without too much. The best way to lose to the books, is the result of a settlement. The fruits are rich in vitamin C, to help you stay physically active. Pectin, fruit acids and potassium salts burn calories and improve the metabolism and digestion.
Here is an example of a regime for apples:
Breakfast: 1 apple box 1 add yoghurt and low fat oatmeal and 1 tablespoon table.
Brunch: 1 apple.
Breakfast: 2 slices of apples and spinach. For the sauce mixer 1 low fat yogurt, 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 c. Tea apple apple and 1 teaspoon water.
Snack: 1 apple and walnuts 3rd
Dinner: 1 slice apple, press the lemon juice and eating with 5 ounces of cheese.
They are in 30 - 40 years.
If you are 30 years old, your metabolism slows. Should reduce the calories in the diet, even if you physically active. Not trying to lose weight fast. He will give you a few years longer, because their skin is wrinkled and cowardly. You will be the oldest of which is slowly losing weight. Your goal in this age group is not to lose more than a month 4-5 lbs. An ideal diet of vegetables for you, because you are not a "hunger strike" and swing to their weight. Moreover, these sports regularly, massage and care of the skin, improves elasticity of skin.
No plan for the exercise of these diet day.
Here is an example of a system of plants:
Breakfast: a mixture of oats and corn, milk add low fat, 1 grated carrot.
Brunch: 1 cucumber.
Breakfast: 2 potatoes (with skin, always on them) and with plenty of salad vegetables (you may use any vegetables)
Collation: 1 red bell pepper.
Dinner: salad and 1 piece of bread.
What are the following: 40 - 50 years.
Almost all women over 40 years, weight problems. Your muscle mass decreases and fat increases due to hormonal changes. You should get more to eat their food in the first half of the day and have very clear and at the beginning of meals. You should no longer be fat 30% of the daily ration. Choose vegetable oils. Eating seafood regularly.
At this age your body starts to hold liquid. Diet is for you a bowl of rice and help build a liquid in your body.
Here is an example of a bowl of rice:
8 oz rice cooked and divided into 3 parts. 2 of them are with other components of the protein.
Breakfast: rice cooked with low-fat yogurt 1 and 1 teaspoon honey.
Breakfast: boiled rice and 5 ounces of fish or chicken.
Dinner: steamed rice with vegetables and 1 c. Tea of vegetable oil. Do not add salt as this accumulation of fluid in your body. You can use soy because it helps you, "in the hunger strike.
For lunch you can eat a fruit or 3 ounces low-fat cottage cheese.
They are 50 - 60 years.
If you are older than 50 years, so that less energy (about 30%) that someone who is 20 years. Eating 4-5 small servings a day. No longer eat because they are harmful to your health. Limit your daily salt ¼ c. Tea per day. Sometimes you can quickly, but not often, because in this age of your body loses its strength for the fight against diseases.
Substances, the best to kill enzymes are large. Pineapple and papaya are rich in enzymes and vitamin C.
Here is an example of a diet for you:
Eating throughout the day at 4-5 books of pineapple and papaya (or individual), including the pulp and juice. Distribute the 4-5 kilos in 3 parts: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do not eat anything today. If this scheme is too hard for you, try this:
Breakfast: 1 slice of pineapple and 3 ounces low-fat cottage cheese.
Breakfast: half a pineapple and 3 ounces chicken or fish or meat cooked low fat.
Dinner: 1 slice of pineapple and 1 piece of bread with 1 piece of cheese with low fat content.
So powerful and bold murderers "are the kiwis, the apple vinegar and artichokes (from the left and artichokes in boiling water)
You have more than 60 years old.
His muscle mass in this age group is around 15% of his body. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you need to very slowly through the rapid reduction in the quantity of protein in their muscles.
The most important rule is the food of more than 40 grams of fat per day.
Here are some examples:
Breakfast: 1 slice bread with 1 teaspoon low-fat yogurt.
Breakfast: 1.5 ounces instead of 1.5 ounces choice minced red beans. You will receive an optical illusion of the flesh, but less fat 7g. If you can not live without meat, meat to eat low fat instead of pork loin. You get less than 13 grams of fat.
Collation: instead of the pie, choose a piece of cake with fruit (less than 13 grams of fat).
Dinner: Instead of a piece of ham and sausages (less than 10 fat grams). With a piece of cheese, 30% receive less than 10 grams of fat compared to 60% fat content of cheese.
Drink at least 2 liters of water. It helps your digestion and metabolism.
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