Many people are unaware that the small intestine caused elegant small hormone increases satiety (feeling of satiety after a meal). In particular, CCK is a messenger, who says the organization, complete and it is time to stop eating. If you eat fiber-rich diet, the fibers, which help to promote and extend the amount of CCK in the blood, you feel full for longer periods.
CCK is a hormone responsible for the gastro-intestinal promotes digestion of fats and proteins. It is a secretion from the duodenum (the first part of your small intestine), promotes the release of pancreatic enzymes and bile from the gallbladder to the digestion. Indeed, CCK half a number of physiological processes.
As one of the first researchers to discover the effects of CCK is a team of scientists at the University of California, Davis. They found that women who have a meal rich in fiber CCK release in the blood, that the women ate a little fiber meal. This also applies to those who have a meal instead of a fat low-fat food. Have you ever noticed when you eat much fat, like a big juicy steaks, you feel happy? This is because the fat press release the same hormone. Those who ate the high fat and fiber-rich foods has a greater feeling of fullness, which has been awarded an increase of CCK in their bodies. And the men?
Another study has confirmed that the same results for men. A group of men was tested with a high content of fibers of low-fiber foods and meals in random order. Both types of tests, the food and the control of foods, including eggs, bread, marmalade, orange juice, milk and margarine. The high proportion of dietary fiber food from white beans, while the low fiber meal and rice milk. The researchers measured the subjects to CCK before meals and during six hours later. It is not surprising that the results have shown that the CCK response is more than twice as high after a meal rich in fiber, for example, after eating less fiber.
So if you are in a position, a few kilos to take, or simply to help inhibit appetite during the day, securing the supply of foods that are rich in fiber, such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds . In short, why a little fiber goes away!
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