One of the unfortunate truths of the Western diet is that most food we've learned to love are also those who are long on simple carbohydrates, unhealthy fats and calories, and short on nutrition. Pre-processing of foods, even though May will save time in preparation is also high sodium and conservation measures. A healthy diet is simply not a lot of the average American diet, as the increase in obesity in the United States can testify.
There is no way in which carbohydrates, sugars, and are responsible for our survival. You are what your body burns as fuel, and even couch potatoes need carbohydrates to the operation of your metabolism in sleep. But eating too many carbohydrates, especially of foods of their nutrients and fiber, exerts enormous pressure on the systems necessary for the sugar in the blood. The modification of the diet of foods with low carbon content, not completely eliminating carbohydrates is one way of the good from bad carbohydrates without pain.
Learn to distinguish between simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, is one way to find the diet with low content of carbohydrates, the diet is not a blow to the sugar in the blood. Simple carbohydrates are refined sugar, or sucrose, fruit sugars and fructose or lactose, or lactose. The three, refined sugar or sucrose is by far the most dangerous for human health because it is without all the nutrients and fiber.
Importance of dairy products contain calcium and vitamin D, and many fruits are the powers of fiber and nutrients. And so low carb diet really should be that traces of sucrose or none at all. Fructose and lactose are acceptable in small quantities.
The complex carbohydrates are not one of the nutrients from the processing, such as bread and cereals and raw materials or lightly steamed vegetables. Not only eliminates the conversion of nutrients, but the fibers, food, fiber, and what can the diet with low carbohydrate content of foods to eat less saturated feel. Fiber, but also that the diet with low carbohydrate foods are digested slowly and helps the body to regulate their blood sugar levels better.
The complex carbohydrates should be limited, that the low carb diet, but a small part of the complex carbohydrates are much more numerous than the benefits for the health of a large proportion of the products simple carbohydrates.
The foundation of the low carb diet is naturally rich in protein from meat, fish, cheese, eggs, nuts and fats. However, their low carbohydrate does not mean that they can be consumed in unlimited quantities, and must comply with the daily diet nutrition carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals.
The best food with a low carb diet, therefore, lean meat or fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil, low-fat cheese, eggs, fruit and little carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, onions, peppers, cucumbers and celery. All the carbohydrates that you choose, it is appropriate to the complex carbohydrates are consumed in small quantities.
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