Epigallocatechin gallates (EGCG) is a catechin in green tea, and we think as an essential component of green tea, green tea drinkers to provide benefits for health, including weight loss plentiful.
A cup of green tea supplies 20-35 mg of EGCG. It is effective against grease in a higher expenditure of energy and burn fat through a process of thermo genesis.
There have been many studies on the relationship between EGCG in green tea for weight loss in recent years. A study published in the far American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (vol.70, No. 6, 1999) to determine whether the consumption of green tea increases by 24 hours the cost of energy and the oxidation of fats found humans. It to the conclusion that "the green tea is thermo genetic properties and promotes fat oxidation on what its content of caffeine in it. The green tea extract May, a role in controlling the composition of the body by the sympathetic activation of thermo genesis, fat oxidation, or both. "
Caffeine is thought to support the weight, and is often an important dietary supplements, is also a green tea. There are approximately 30 mg of caffeine per serving of 8 ounces (240ml) cup. Does caffeine in green tea helps to lose weight? Mayo Clinic is a summary of the effects of caffeine and weight loss in an article in website. It said: "The caffeine can be used as a cut hunger. Although studies have shown that some people eat less after consuming caffeine, but is short - range not to weight loss.
Caffeine can improve the ability of your body to burn calories. It is thought that caffeine stimulates thermo genesis - one way your body generates heat and energy for the digestion of food. However, the role of caffeine in thermo genesis probably is not sufficient to cover the loss of weight.
Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which means that it leads to an increase in the amount of urine. These losses of water temporarily decrease your body weight. "
EGCG and caffeine together had weight loss. In one of the "in vivo", vol.18, 2004 Scientists have the effect of obesity, the catechine, caffeine and theanine in mice. They came to the conclusion that "the combination of caffeine and catechine, between the components of green tea in the lifting of the weight and the accumulation of fat."
It seems therefore that the results of studies in recent years, the benefits of green tea diet can be used with the combination of caffeine and EGCG.
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