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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Quick ways to lose weight .Tips to help you lose 50 pounds or more

Setting Goals When Dieting

As with most things in life, setting goals is very important in the diet. When you look at things with accuracy and objectivity that should be noted that most of the things you've accomplished in life has been made, since not only had a goal but also had a clear and well-planned process to achieve this goal . That said, why is it so important to the setting of objectives when it comes to dieting?

First, it is difficult to achieve a goal if you do not have a clearly defined objective. There are times in life when it is almost impossible to know if it is successful or not because you're not sure exactly what the desired outcome should be. Identifying the goals of your diet before you start eliminates this possibility.

Second, goals have given a diet measuring stick by which you can judge your process. This is important for you to know when their efforts are not behind and when you're moving along schedule or ahead of schedule. In other words, you will know when to hold and when to give yourself a swift kick in the butt.

Now we know why we set goals for weight loss, we will discuss how they should go about setting those goals that are so important to the success of the diets. To set goals that are aggressive without being impossible to achieve. If you set goals that are beyond your reach you will find that frustration will be your diet partner to the point where relinquishing all together. To avoid that this must be very careful to ensure that their goals are possible to be achieved.

When it comes to weight loss be specific when setting your goals. Instead of setting a total of 40 or 60 pounds to start with a specific goal, like 10 pounds in a month. You can then expand to the next few months until they reach an overall goal of 40 or 60 pounds. It is much easier to lose 10 pounds four times what it is to lose 40 pounds at a time. It is a trick of the mind, but it works. Ten pounds sounds simple and achievable. Forty pounds sounds like an insurmountable obstacle.

Another thing is that on the goals you want to hold you accountable, but should not call the whole thing if only to lose 9 pounds instead of 10. Instead, find out where the ball fell at the last pounds and 10 pounds of your goal for next month.

It should also be careful that you are working with their personal goals and not goals that someone else is doing in you. The truth is that if it is personal to you, it will be much more rewarding if you're doing it for someone else. If your heart is not in it, there are very few goals that will motivate properly.

Finally, you should establish small (non-food) rewards for meeting your dietary goals. Perhaps your reward will be a new accessory for your new (or new age) or a pedicure for your new wardrobe look. Make your reward something fun and frivolous and teach you that the fulfillment of their goals can be accomplished by something other than food. This is a key to diet success.

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