If you want to lose a few pounds or simply adopt healthier eating habits, learn to choose the right foods is the first step towards achieving your goal. While it is no secret that a greasy burger and fries five nights a week probably is not the most nutritious choice, often the reality is not so black and white. Here are some tips to help you select the best foods for your health.
Protein Twenty percent of the whole structure is based on protein, and the body uses protein for each function it performs. Literally every part, including blood, skin, muscle tissue and organ-needed protein, so be sure to get a lot of it in your diet is essential. The key, however, is to consume protein from the best sources.
Meat and fish are the richest sources of protein. In general, a serving should be between 3 and 4 ounces of cooked meat, or the size of a deck of cards, and most experts agree that you should eat two or three servings of foods rich in protein every day. The best sources of protein are lean meats like chicken, turkey and fish, and approximately 25 percent of your diet should come from foods rich in protein. Whenever possible, avoid or limit their intake of fatty meats (such as red meat), luncheon meats, liver and cheese.
Fats Although fat often get a bad reputation for losing weight, it is important to remember that dietary fat is not an impediment to weight loss. Eating the wrong type of fat, and too much fat is what leads to weight gain. Just as there are good and bad carbohydrates, there are good and bad fats. Just remember the following guidelines:
Avoid trans fats (hydrogenated oils): These are artificial fats made from polyunsaturated fats, but have been chemically modified to remain solid at room temperature. In addition to many cookies, crackers and other processed foods and may increase the risk of heart disease and lower levels of good cholesterol.
Limit saturated fats: Saturated fats are those found in red meat and dairy products like milk, eggs, cheese and butter. Because it consumes too much saturated fat can cause an overall increase in cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, many experts agree that should be consumed in moderation.
Enjoy Good Fats: Unsaturated fats are good fats that should be included in your diet, including monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fats help lower total cholesterol in the body (good and bad), and the best sources are flax oil, pumpkin seeds, blue fish, nuts, and hemp oil. These oils contain healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fats help lower bad cholesterol and raise levels of good cholesterol, and the best sources are olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil y.
Carbohydrates As with fats, carbohydrates is the key is to choose the right carbohydrates instead of limiting their intake of total carbohydrates. High fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds to bring lots of benefits for a healthy diet. In addition to its role in disease prevention, the fiber can also help manage hunger and support healthy weight management in four major aspects:
Fiber helps curb your appetite. Fiber stimulates cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that sends a message to the brain is full. Fiber promotes and prolongs the elevation of CCK in the blood, which makes you feel full for longer periods of time.
Fiber helps to eliminate the calories in foods you eat. Research has shown that people who consume a diet high in fiber tend to excrete more calories in their stool. This is because the fiber helps to block absorption of calories consumed and calories instead of the body.
The foods are low in energy density fiber foods. Since the fiber-rich foods tend to have a very low energy density (the number of calories in a given volume of food), eating them can eat a larger volume of food without consuming a large amount of calories. This helps you feel satisfied longer.
Fiber slows the rate at which your body converts carbohydrates into sugar. Foods rich in fiber helps normalize blood glucose levels by slowing the time it takes food out of the stomach and slow absorption of glucose (blood sugar) for a meal.
How to Lose Weight & Get Lean